Hello Again!
I've been cooking up a storm these past few months, I just haven't blogged about it. Been busy!
One of the most fun things we've done here at the Undisclosed Location is use alternative salt sources for making sauerkraut. My favorite to date is wakame (from any Asian market) mixed with Jacobson Salt. The photos are of my least favorite seaweed kraut blend: nori! It broke down completely and made the kraut dingy brown and mushy.
But! Even if you use seaweed, the process is the same. Shred the cabbage, mix with salt and seaweed, pack in a jar, weight down with a bag of salt water or fermentation weights
Here are the specifics:
One large cabbage head (about 2.5 pounds)
1-1/8 ounce salt
1-1/8 ounce wakame
That's it. Mix in the mixer, pack into a jar and wait two weeks.
The kraut is beautifully balanced by using salt and seaweed. I'm hooked.
Eat well and live large!!